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James Johnson
United Kingdom, Surrey, Woking, GU21 3NZ
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Sunday, September 24, 2023 at 12:24:58 PM British Summer Time

This is the clear flat space required for the Inflatable Bungee Run. It's important to ensure that there are no overhanging trees, washing lines, or any other potential obstructions near the area. The ground should be relatively flat, free of sharp stones or any obstacles that could pose a safety risk for people participating in the activity.

The Inflatable Bungee Run is suitable for users of any age, and it can accommodate 2 players at any one time. Additionally, for safety reasons, a third person can act as an umpire to manage the play.

Please note that our inflatables can only be sited on the grass and cannot be placed on Astroturf or any kind of hard-standing surface.